Thursday, August 25, 2011

Quick and Simple Update

Theresa Patrine Ennin

 Sometimes I want to hide in bed and not go out
I want to go stay out and not go in
A see saw of decisions
A maelstrom of emotions newly born, striving for supremacy

Sometimes a song evokes tears of remembrance
A tune incites dancing
A war for dominance
Equal measure of elation and deflation
Wonder and dismay balanced on the edge of the heart
Below the precipice

This is a poem from a book I bought at the U of Ghana bookstore. It's a book of poetry by all Ghanaian poets.  This poem is what caused me to by the book.

I am quite tired so I am going to give short quick updates.

I volunteered today at the school and taught the students how to count to 15 in French. It was fun, and they of course fed us volunteers again.

Last night, an exchange student from Canada had a nasty fall while jogging. She was jogging at night and fell into the "obruni trap".  There are gutters along all of the roads that are about 8 inches wide and then at least a foot deep.  She fell into one and, literally, got a whole in her leg.  She wanted to put a band-aid on it and go, but I encouraged her to go the hospital. So two of us plus the injured student went to the hospital last night. She ended up getting a few stitches.  I just want to thank my WFR for last night. I was able to help clean the wound and give her the reason she needed to get it taken care of properly.

My camera is almost fixed...

I love my geography classes! One is on soils and biogeography, the other is on arid lands.  These classes take me back to NOLS. Thanks NOLS!!! ...or should I now say me da se pa papapapapapa (thank you very very very much in Twi).

I am headed to the Volta region this weekend!!!

Thank you all for the comments!!! I love you!!


  1. Ok so one little thing I left out.... obruni means foreigner or el gringo....

  2. Hey, one of the good parts of the WFR is that it puts you in a better place to help others, (like knowing that puncture wounds really do need to be looked at, especially to avoid infection). Do try to get some rest, OK? Love Ya! JPP PS oh yeh, I'm back in Flag until September 4 - this is the weekend before classes start so you can guess that Milton is a zoo. LYJP

  3. It's so great how all your life's experiences blend in to augment and enrich your life. I am so very happy for you as you truly grab life and run with it. You know I speak for Grandpa as he is watching over you with such pride. I of course have always found the greatest satisfaction in being with children as they taught me as much as I taught them. I'm thrilled you are getting to experience that. Your poem especially hit me today when I read it as it describes how I feel today. That was an amazing coincidence...that I would read it today. Then again are there coincidences? Much love, you and these postings. Adina

  4. Good to know you're safe and having fun :) I can't wait to see pictures when your camera is fixed! Love and miss you lots- Nicole
