Sunday, October 30, 2011

I do believe that it has been about 2 months since my last blog....woops!

Since then I have gone to Togo (where got some money stolen :-}), I've read a lot!, sometimes gone to class, volunteered, gone to the bars, and learned how to order food in Twi.

About a week ago, I was sitting on the balcony and watched a baby lizard crawl under the door into the room. AHH! I swung the door open and yelled to my roommate, "Emily!! We have a pet lizard!" heehee. luckily the little guy ran right onto our dust pan so she just picked up the pan and walked out to the balcony as I ran into the room and jumped on my bed. Well, Emily is a sweetheart (I'm currently eating some chocolate chip cookies that she baked) and she stood there looking at the lizard and then looking at the two story drop. Emily said to me something like, "I can't throw it off the balcony, open the front door." I was like "NO! don't run through the room with it!" teeheeheee. Well, I opened the door and she released the lizard into a safe environment outside our front door and not off the balcony.  Despite all this effort, I noticed a baby lizard in the room last night. I surrender. We have two of them living on our balcony actually.

One of my favorite things to do is to sit on the balcony and watch the sky. I can watch the birds and clouds move for hours. Luckily, I usually have something to do that prevents that from happening, such as laundry. I am proud to say that I have learned how to wash my clothes like a Ghanaian. I am now capable of making shirts as white as if I used bleach. It's kind of painful, I have some cuts on my hands, but it's fun. I think I did laundry daily for a week because I was so excited of my ability!  My cuts have prevented me from keeping up this daily habit.

Last night I went with some friends to a music festival. It was soo much fun to chill and hear some local music.  While I was there they played mostly reggae (they had lots of different type of performers at the festival throughout the weekend) .  The reggae is not quite like Bob Marley and it's not something I would put onto my Itunes.  I wish I could remember the name of the comedian, but Shadrach (a Ghanaian friend) showed me this Nigerian comedian who made a reggae band out of scratch.  He gave each instrument one thing they had to do over and over again and then put some words in that went like "YA...YA...YA.." :-) ahahaha it was accurate for the local reggae style. But, I don't mean to totally diss on the this music, there is a time and place for it. Wednesday nights are reggae nights at the beach and it fits perfectly! Also, the teachers at the school like to drum and sing some reggae. When they jam, I've quite enjoyed it.

Well I love you very much!